Sunday, August 21, 2005

To Love?

A strange thing, Love. You can try to run from it, and it will find you. You can search for it, and never find it. You can have it, cherish it, and lose it. You can spurn it, scorn it, abuse it and have it forever.

Just idle thoughts that came over me in a flood today. To think of all the things that have been done in our history, in the name of love. I almost feel the need to break love down into different meanings, much like the Greek versions of "Love." But most of the world knows that the Greeks have different versions of the word, that translates to our Love. If you do not know this, look it up right now. It's very important for this day and age.

What more do we love today than ourselves? We've become a world of peoples who cherish and covet themselves over anything and everything. We've been spoiled on loving ourselves. Over-indulgent to the point of turning love into something wicked, sinister and profane. Has this always been the case with mankind? I believe not. Yes, it has reared it's ugly head in history countless times - much associated with powerful figures; but never in history have I seen such a fattening of the masses on a love for themselves.

Where is the love for the family? With a 50% divorce rate (Oh, but praise to the fact that in the last 20 years it's receded!) and domestic violence and abuse totals off the charts, that's just what's being reported. How many couples are deciding to not marry, given the strains of marriage. Far better to keep an "open" relationship and avoid the stresses that marriage presents. Or, if we do get married, lets change the vows so they're no longer "Till death do us part," but "Till we grow apart from one another." Heresy. Appalling to think that the love we have for ourselves has corrupted something as beautiful as the bond of marriage.

Where is the love for our country? People will do anything to put themselves in the limelight, to further the admiration they have for themselves into the mainstream media. If you have something bad to say about our country, anything at all, call a news station and you'll become the next superstar of the National Media. The louder you scream and whine, the more states you'll expose to your righteous wrath. Pathetic dribble. How can people forget so quickly words like, "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your Country." Isn't that what makes the United States such a beautiful place? That we are"United." That we, of many races, creeds, backgrounds, cultures, upbringings - can come together under one banner and stand in unison and say, "God Bless America!" Only; It's not like that any longer. Instead it's replaced with people camping outside our Presidents ranch, ranting and raving - what for? Attention and political outcry, nothing more. She wants to talk to the President about her son, does she? Why does no one talk abou the fact that she already has? An entire year ago in fact. That's not what the media is concerned about, please...Yell louder and stand a bit more to your right so the cameras can get a better shot of you.

It boils down to the fact that we're too concerned about ourselves. The time has really come for people to realize that your life is fleeting. Anything you say, do, achieve or are famous for now - will boil down to nothing when the next self-indulgent superstar comes into the light. Then what do you have? Nothing. You threw it all away in an attempt to immortalize yourself through pity and self-spite. You sold your soul for your family and everything you (should have) loved.

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