I attribute it with the shrinking of the world. Technology has made the world a much smaller place than it was a century ago. No longer can you "find what you're looking for Out West..." The West was won already. Space, or as far as our current technology allows, has been explored - and unfortunately we cannot all become astronauts when we grow up. So given a small world, devoid of adventures (in a general sense, there are still some remaining) where do we turn? The only logical answer would have to be...Inward. We explore the depths of ourselves. An intense and scary thought. Or, we wander around... Restless.... Hungry....and ultimately dissatisfied with anything we experience. All those divorces - how can you expect someone to live in your universe and feed your inner hunger? Is it something you should force upon someone? To try to quell the restlessness stirring in your mind? Absolutely not. And yet, we try anyway. We try in any way possible. Sex, Drugs, Alcohol, Gangs, Terrorism, Murder, Pity, Self-Indulgence, Food...You name it, good or bad - the world is going to extremes to try to put out the fire that has been lit in their bellies.
Restless...Dictionary.com defines it as:
rest·less P Pronunciation Key (rstls)
- Marked by a lack of quiet, repose, or rest: spent a restless night.
- Not able to rest, relax, or be still: a restless child.
- Never still or motionless: the restless sea. See Usage Note at restive.
We as a species are looking for a way to define "Self." In a sense we always have been. We've walked around the streets of ancient Greece and begged the question, "Why?" Men have shouted to the Heavens and prostrated themselves before God Almighty and screamed, "Why?" That is exactly the question each of us is trying to answer within ourselves. Why? Why am I here? Why, exactly am I here? Philosophy teaches us that the answer, logically, is: Why not?
How anti-climatic? Why not? That's the only answer that can be. The only way for me to tell you is for you to ask yourself; why? Is it because you can come up with the best-tasting combination at Starbucks? (Which I might add is a White Chocolate Mocha with Hazelnut Syrup) Or, is it to make a ton of cash? To be the best Basketball player? To get into the history books as the man who gets us colonized on Mars? Are those really the things we're looking for? Accomplishments? Like in High School Annuals? How many pages can I get my name and picture on so I can be the "Coolest Kid" at the school? Is that the reason for your existance? I hope not.
I wish I could give an answer with any kind of confidence. All I can say is: Be complete in and of yourself. Do not look to external stimuli to complete you. Each accomplishment can be undone, done better, or will fade. Nothing we build will last forever. No relationship will be exactly the way you demand it to be, all the time. Relationships are give and take. If all you do is take, to complete your inner need...Then all the other person does is give, and deny their need. The only way is to complete the link within yourself before anything else. I'm not saying to ignore those accomplishments, as long as they are constructive. Just do not accept any substitutes.
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