How can we allow people to sacrifice their judgement, no - they're common sense, for the feelings of others? This term that's thrown around so often today, "Politically correct." That term needs done away with. The point to politics is to be the voice of the people. Is it truly that the voice of the people has become the filth, the absolutely absurdity that these "politicians" spew?
We're surrounded by spoiled brats. People who not only feel they can make up whatever they want, but are encouraged by those im power to do so. We've talked about self indulgence, we've talked about the drive that people feel - yet have no outlet. What have we become but a bunch of rotten brats, spoiled off the fruits of our grandfathers labor. There was a generation that knew how to work - how to fight - how to hold on to their freedom with both hands. I can only try to be this clear:
We are attempting to give our freedom away!
And not just a passing attempt at trying to spread Democracy. We The People of the United States of America are trying to give our freedom to anyone who will take it. Give. Sacrifice. To be without from then on.
A natural disaster happens overseas, we rush to support them - as we should, I believe the U.S. to be big-brother to the rest of the world. Natural disaster happens on U.S. soil and....Nothing. We spread the fruits of our labor to so many countries worldwide in their times of need, but we tend to not even get a "That's too bad, let us know if we can help in any way." It's the thought that counts, right? That's not even the main point, I wish it was. The main point is - we need to focus on what's happening HERE first. How can we possibly help anyone else, if we don't help ourselves when we need it. If we're too busy weeding the bushes to worry about the house, sooner or later that house will fall into disrepair and then we'll be homeless, because the flowers don't care. We need to think seriously about reading our history books again, digging through what has MADE THIS COUNTRY WHAT IT IS TODAY - and reeling in our foreign policy in a major way. Fix US first.
I honestly believe that the general public of the United States is living with an "Ignorance is Bliss" mentality. A philosophy teacher of mine once told a story to the class. I will try to recite it as best I can, it's been some years now.
"Imagine a world where any hurts or wrongs done to you, or even done around you were forgiven without a moments pause. Not just forgiven, but forgotten - utterly. A place of constant wonder, and constant peace. If you had the ability to meet new people and new faces every day - with never a care for tomorrow or a thought to the past. Does that sound good to you? You can have that, today. Just walk into your doctors office and say these magic words, "I'd like a lobotomy.""
We're walking around like we've been lobotomized. Laws have actually been passed that have no bearing on reality. Not scientifically, theologically, rationally, logically. We're trying to live in a blissfull state where no one gets offended. Except for a few people, who are just supposed to deal with the fact that we don't matter as much as someone who could possibly get their feelings hurt. The worst part becomes - the people who yell and whine the loudest are the ones who are the most revered by these people; these zombified things that once were thinking human-beings.
I beg of you - think before you speak. Life is hard - if it were easy and blissfull all the time, we'd never know because we'd have nothing to compare it to. Please for God's sake do NOT try to make your reality subjective. It's not. What happens, happens. Sometimes good, sometimes bad, and sometimes it's neither good nor bad; it just is. That doesn't mean you have creative freedom to twist the truth any way you see fit at any given time. What you say will come back to haunt you. You'll start to believe the reality you're creating for yourself, and then you will be the victim of your own mechinations. You'll be lobotomized. And join the ranks of the thousands upon thousands of the mindless horde that is doing everything they can to sabotage and destroy this country that I love.
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
As With Us All
There comes a time when work just kicks your butt - and leaves you without any kind of time to be creative.
My heart and prayers are with those Americans effected by Katrina.
I will be posting more this week - for those that read, thanks and keep checking back, it won't be long.
My heart and prayers are with those Americans effected by Katrina.
I will be posting more this week - for those that read, thanks and keep checking back, it won't be long.
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
To Be A Man Today
I found myself drawn to the fact that the men in the United States are being lead down a path of destruction. Now, before I get into it: Let me lay a groundwork disclaimer. I absolutely in no way, shape, or form condone the misguided masculinity of the uber machismo sect of mankind. I do however think that we men, have lost our guidance into the male continuum. Our fathers had people like, John Wayne, James Bond, General George S. Patton, etc... To look up to in order to find those male traits. Do those men epitomize masculinity and manhood? Probably not, 2/3 are fictional characters - and I for one got annoyed with Bond quite a few times. But...I do think that we've lost our male heroes.
Look in the media, the movies, books - strong men are on the decline. They're demonized, turned into fiends - abrasive, obtuse, stubborn and anti-social. Where are the warriors? The sect of mankind that the young braves look up to in order to find their way? They've been gelded by the forces that would rather have passive, patient men.
Is it wrong to be patient? No. Is it wrong to be passive? There are times where passivity and serenity have their places. But it begs the question - Is it wrong to be aggressive? Perhaps all the time. Is it wrong to run out of patience and do something bold? I'd beg you to say absolutely not. Then why are we being forced that direction?
Now I do not in any way try to make the argument that women are doing this to men. In fact, for women I have to think it'd be fairly frustrating to have a man by your side that acted more like a woman than you did. Where have all the cowboys gone, and all that? Better lyrics would have been, "Where have all the MEN gone?" In fact I believe quite to the contrary - I believe that men are doing this to men. We're all confused and try in every way to hide the fact that we're not sure how to "be a man."
I think this becomes very apparent when a group of friends spend time around each other. If what the friends are doing is even remotely considered masculine, you'll have one guy putting all the pressure on the others to "act like me..." This gives that guy the feeling that he's being a man that every other man wants to be like. For the others, it's a test of their manhood, so regardless of what that task is - they feel compelled to respond. The proverbial "pissing" contest.
So what's so bad about that? Is that not how boys act, growing up? It is, that's true. But you have the blind leading the blind. Little boys used to do things they'd see the Lone Ranger do - who do they have to look up to now? Emeril? So young boys look up to their fathers. The difference is, the fathers are busy being fathers - which is distinctly different than being a man. It takes a strong man to be a father, I'm not trying to downplay the role of the father; what I am trying to say is that a Young Man, and a Father are two entirely separate roles - and such have different requirements and roles.
On this topic I have no words of wisdom, no answers to questions - I just have questions upon questions. I am one of the lost-boys.
Look in the media, the movies, books - strong men are on the decline. They're demonized, turned into fiends - abrasive, obtuse, stubborn and anti-social. Where are the warriors? The sect of mankind that the young braves look up to in order to find their way? They've been gelded by the forces that would rather have passive, patient men.
Is it wrong to be patient? No. Is it wrong to be passive? There are times where passivity and serenity have their places. But it begs the question - Is it wrong to be aggressive? Perhaps all the time. Is it wrong to run out of patience and do something bold? I'd beg you to say absolutely not. Then why are we being forced that direction?
Now I do not in any way try to make the argument that women are doing this to men. In fact, for women I have to think it'd be fairly frustrating to have a man by your side that acted more like a woman than you did. Where have all the cowboys gone, and all that? Better lyrics would have been, "Where have all the MEN gone?" In fact I believe quite to the contrary - I believe that men are doing this to men. We're all confused and try in every way to hide the fact that we're not sure how to "be a man."
I think this becomes very apparent when a group of friends spend time around each other. If what the friends are doing is even remotely considered masculine, you'll have one guy putting all the pressure on the others to "act like me..." This gives that guy the feeling that he's being a man that every other man wants to be like. For the others, it's a test of their manhood, so regardless of what that task is - they feel compelled to respond. The proverbial "pissing" contest.
So what's so bad about that? Is that not how boys act, growing up? It is, that's true. But you have the blind leading the blind. Little boys used to do things they'd see the Lone Ranger do - who do they have to look up to now? Emeril? So young boys look up to their fathers. The difference is, the fathers are busy being fathers - which is distinctly different than being a man. It takes a strong man to be a father, I'm not trying to downplay the role of the father; what I am trying to say is that a Young Man, and a Father are two entirely separate roles - and such have different requirements and roles.
On this topic I have no words of wisdom, no answers to questions - I just have questions upon questions. I am one of the lost-boys.
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
The Question of Destiny
Are we meant to do anything? In the last post, I asked you to look to complete yourself. How can you do that without knowing what you hunger for? Or do we all hunger for the same thing? Like ants chasing after the same grain of sugar in the sand...My answer? No. We are not all destined to do the same thing, or achieve the same goal, or even to attempt the same thing. Can we be destined to fail? Certainly.
I know what you're thinking. You're saying, "Absolutely false... We are not destined to do anything at all, or I'd be doing it." I believe in the ability to deviate from that destination; the same way we can set out to go get carrots from the grocery store - and stop along the way and rent a movie from blockbuster. Sometimes, we make so many stops that the store closes before we can get there. Is it our fault then, that our original purpose was thwarted? Absolutely.
Well, that's all well and good. But how can we possibly stay on "Track," to our Destiny? And even more importantly: Who is pushing the buttons deciding our fates?
To answer the first question; we're not heat-seeking missiles. Regardless of what we were destined for, we absolutely will deviate from that path. We will explore, we are adventurous at heart as a people. We will rage against our set paths with the fervor of a Viking horde raiding a peasant village. However, I'd venture a guess that more people than I have felt a certain pressure, weighing on the neck, just above the level of the shoulders - when we push too hard against what we should be doing. That hesitation, the longer than normal pause that occurs right before we make a decision. Sometimes we do not even notice it; we're so used to it happening we can pass it off as normal hesitations / apprehension. Is that really what it is though? Why would you be apprehensive about doing something you really felt strongly you should be doing? Ever dated someone whom, although they were nice and you had a pleasant time with them, every single time they told you they loved you - it just felt, wrong: misplaced: confused: muddled....You answered in kind, because that's what we've been trained to do. Then you don't even think about it passed that - just normal hesitation.
Then why is it that some people hesitate so badly before their wedding? Cold feet. "Oh... That's just normal, you get over it..." What?! You should be beating down the door the night before your wedding - absolutely NOT running around trying to sleep with as many women as you can for "one last taste of what I'll be missing." Just the thought makes me sick to my stomach. But that's for another day. =)
Think about it. You will be making a decision that will absolutely effect you for the rest of your existence on the planet! If you were meant to do what you're doing, it should feel great. You should be elated to the point of enlightenment! Then... Why am I not like that?
Next question: Who pulls the strings? God? Depends on your view. I'm going to try really hard to not make this a religiously based discussion, seeing as how the world has decided that they know exactly how the world works - and the need for God has been exhausted. The only religious statement I will make is: Do you really know beyond a reasonable doubt, exactly, how the world works? If that's the case, then I'd like you to post a comment about how matter is made up of more empty space (between atoms and their sub-atomic particles) than anything else? But enough of that. The question remains - who? Well, does it matter who/what? Perhaps, for those who do not believe in God, it is the culmination of genetic memory patterns fixed into our subconscious? A massive one-body conscience theory, where the needs of the many are extended through the various parts (Mankind as a whole as the body, and each community a part, with each person a smaller piece of that working part). The point is - in some fashion our lives are guided. The ones who cannot allow themselves to believe that are guided by their need to rebel against the negative feelings caused by their actions.
So, why do I bring all this Destiny stuff up anyway? It ties into our previous discussions. This self-driven hunger, this absolute self-love and self indulgence is the direct result of our denial of our Destiny. It's the distraction method. If I worry about getting the next flashy cover for my iPod and making sure I have all the coolest (foreign) music on it, and by doing so secure my position as the coolest kid...Ever! Then I won't have to worry about the feeling like I'm wasting time, or that I'm not doing what I should feel I should be. I will be able to ignore that lost feeling, that nagging feeling like I'm forgetting something all the time.
We're a world full of distractions. We've gotten too comfortable with just "being." We just exist. Nothing we have, wear, eat, own, build will last much longer than we do - and if it does, regardless of how permanent it seems it most absolutely will be forced back into the Earth. Look around you right now as you sit in your comfortable chair, in front of your decked out Personal Computer or Flashy / Stylish / Trendy PowerMac or iBook. How long do you think that stuff will last, really? We base our lives off of the insubstantial things we surround ourselves with - our pre-school mentality hasn't left us, the things have just become more expensive/complex. The kid with the most G.I. Joes was the happiest, I want to have MORE!
Ask yourself this: What would I do if everything I owned turned to dust tomorrow. Everything. All your material possessions, all your money, everything besides you and your family. Would you be happy at all?
Until you can answer that question with a resounding absolutely! You have not even begun to find yourself
I know what you're thinking. You're saying, "Absolutely false... We are not destined to do anything at all, or I'd be doing it." I believe in the ability to deviate from that destination; the same way we can set out to go get carrots from the grocery store - and stop along the way and rent a movie from blockbuster. Sometimes, we make so many stops that the store closes before we can get there. Is it our fault then, that our original purpose was thwarted? Absolutely.
Well, that's all well and good. But how can we possibly stay on "Track," to our Destiny? And even more importantly: Who is pushing the buttons deciding our fates?
To answer the first question; we're not heat-seeking missiles. Regardless of what we were destined for, we absolutely will deviate from that path. We will explore, we are adventurous at heart as a people. We will rage against our set paths with the fervor of a Viking horde raiding a peasant village. However, I'd venture a guess that more people than I have felt a certain pressure, weighing on the neck, just above the level of the shoulders - when we push too hard against what we should be doing. That hesitation, the longer than normal pause that occurs right before we make a decision. Sometimes we do not even notice it; we're so used to it happening we can pass it off as normal hesitations / apprehension. Is that really what it is though? Why would you be apprehensive about doing something you really felt strongly you should be doing? Ever dated someone whom, although they were nice and you had a pleasant time with them, every single time they told you they loved you - it just felt, wrong: misplaced: confused: muddled....You answered in kind, because that's what we've been trained to do. Then you don't even think about it passed that - just normal hesitation.
Then why is it that some people hesitate so badly before their wedding? Cold feet. "Oh... That's just normal, you get over it..." What?! You should be beating down the door the night before your wedding - absolutely NOT running around trying to sleep with as many women as you can for "one last taste of what I'll be missing." Just the thought makes me sick to my stomach. But that's for another day. =)
Think about it. You will be making a decision that will absolutely effect you for the rest of your existence on the planet! If you were meant to do what you're doing, it should feel great. You should be elated to the point of enlightenment! Then... Why am I not like that?
Next question: Who pulls the strings? God? Depends on your view. I'm going to try really hard to not make this a religiously based discussion, seeing as how the world has decided that they know exactly how the world works - and the need for God has been exhausted. The only religious statement I will make is: Do you really know beyond a reasonable doubt, exactly, how the world works? If that's the case, then I'd like you to post a comment about how matter is made up of more empty space (between atoms and their sub-atomic particles) than anything else? But enough of that. The question remains - who? Well, does it matter who/what? Perhaps, for those who do not believe in God, it is the culmination of genetic memory patterns fixed into our subconscious? A massive one-body conscience theory, where the needs of the many are extended through the various parts (Mankind as a whole as the body, and each community a part, with each person a smaller piece of that working part). The point is - in some fashion our lives are guided. The ones who cannot allow themselves to believe that are guided by their need to rebel against the negative feelings caused by their actions.
So, why do I bring all this Destiny stuff up anyway? It ties into our previous discussions. This self-driven hunger, this absolute self-love and self indulgence is the direct result of our denial of our Destiny. It's the distraction method. If I worry about getting the next flashy cover for my iPod and making sure I have all the coolest (foreign) music on it, and by doing so secure my position as the coolest kid...Ever! Then I won't have to worry about the feeling like I'm wasting time, or that I'm not doing what I should feel I should be. I will be able to ignore that lost feeling, that nagging feeling like I'm forgetting something all the time.
We're a world full of distractions. We've gotten too comfortable with just "being." We just exist. Nothing we have, wear, eat, own, build will last much longer than we do - and if it does, regardless of how permanent it seems it most absolutely will be forced back into the Earth. Look around you right now as you sit in your comfortable chair, in front of your decked out Personal Computer or Flashy / Stylish / Trendy PowerMac or iBook. How long do you think that stuff will last, really? We base our lives off of the insubstantial things we surround ourselves with - our pre-school mentality hasn't left us, the things have just become more expensive/complex. The kid with the most G.I. Joes was the happiest, I want to have MORE!
Ask yourself this: What would I do if everything I owned turned to dust tomorrow. Everything. All your material possessions, all your money, everything besides you and your family. Would you be happy at all?
Until you can answer that question with a resounding absolutely! You have not even begun to find yourself
Monday, August 22, 2005
Age of Restlessness?
When you think about the time we live in, what is the most profound characteristic you encounter? I've often dwelt on that, wondering how mankind will remember our generations. That's the main topic for today. I find that we're marked with a severe sense of restlessness. In fact, I strongly believe that is the main reason for the self-indulgent mentality we possess. We yearn for something, a thing that is greater than us. So great in fact that it so far surpasses anything encountered to date in human history. Are you restless? I know I am, just by my very nature... And yet, more so.
I attribute it with the shrinking of the world. Technology has made the world a much smaller place than it was a century ago. No longer can you "find what you're looking for Out West..." The West was won already. Space, or as far as our current technology allows, has been explored - and unfortunately we cannot all become astronauts when we grow up. So given a small world, devoid of adventures (in a general sense, there are still some remaining) where do we turn? The only logical answer would have to be...Inward. We explore the depths of ourselves. An intense and scary thought. Or, we wander around... Restless.... Hungry....and ultimately dissatisfied with anything we experience. All those divorces - how can you expect someone to live in your universe and feed your inner hunger? Is it something you should force upon someone? To try to quell the restlessness stirring in your mind? Absolutely not. And yet, we try anyway. We try in any way possible. Sex, Drugs, Alcohol, Gangs, Terrorism, Murder, Pity, Self-Indulgence, Food...You name it, good or bad - the world is going to extremes to try to put out the fire that has been lit in their bellies. defines it as:
( P ) Pronunciation Key (r
We as a species are looking for a way to define "Self." In a sense we always have been. We've walked around the streets of ancient Greece and begged the question, "Why?" Men have shouted to the Heavens and prostrated themselves before God Almighty and screamed, "Why?" That is exactly the question each of us is trying to answer within ourselves. Why? Why am I here? Why, exactly am I here? Philosophy teaches us that the answer, logically, is: Why not?
How anti-climatic? Why not? That's the only answer that can be. The only way for me to tell you is for you to ask yourself; why? Is it because you can come up with the best-tasting combination at Starbucks? (Which I might add is a White Chocolate Mocha with Hazelnut Syrup) Or, is it to make a ton of cash? To be the best Basketball player? To get into the history books as the man who gets us colonized on Mars? Are those really the things we're looking for? Accomplishments? Like in High School Annuals? How many pages can I get my name and picture on so I can be the "Coolest Kid" at the school? Is that the reason for your existance? I hope not.
I wish I could give an answer with any kind of confidence. All I can say is: Be complete in and of yourself. Do not look to external stimuli to complete you. Each accomplishment can be undone, done better, or will fade. Nothing we build will last forever. No relationship will be exactly the way you demand it to be, all the time. Relationships are give and take. If all you do is take, to complete your inner need...Then all the other person does is give, and deny their need. The only way is to complete the link within yourself before anything else. I'm not saying to ignore those accomplishments, as long as they are constructive. Just do not accept any substitutes.
I attribute it with the shrinking of the world. Technology has made the world a much smaller place than it was a century ago. No longer can you "find what you're looking for Out West..." The West was won already. Space, or as far as our current technology allows, has been explored - and unfortunately we cannot all become astronauts when we grow up. So given a small world, devoid of adventures (in a general sense, there are still some remaining) where do we turn? The only logical answer would have to be...Inward. We explore the depths of ourselves. An intense and scary thought. Or, we wander around... Restless.... Hungry....and ultimately dissatisfied with anything we experience. All those divorces - how can you expect someone to live in your universe and feed your inner hunger? Is it something you should force upon someone? To try to quell the restlessness stirring in your mind? Absolutely not. And yet, we try anyway. We try in any way possible. Sex, Drugs, Alcohol, Gangs, Terrorism, Murder, Pity, Self-Indulgence, Food...You name it, good or bad - the world is going to extremes to try to put out the fire that has been lit in their bellies. defines it as:




- Marked by a lack of quiet, repose, or rest: spent a restless night.
- Not able to rest, relax, or be still: a restless child.
- Never still or motionless: the restless sea. See Usage Note at restive.
We as a species are looking for a way to define "Self." In a sense we always have been. We've walked around the streets of ancient Greece and begged the question, "Why?" Men have shouted to the Heavens and prostrated themselves before God Almighty and screamed, "Why?" That is exactly the question each of us is trying to answer within ourselves. Why? Why am I here? Why, exactly am I here? Philosophy teaches us that the answer, logically, is: Why not?
How anti-climatic? Why not? That's the only answer that can be. The only way for me to tell you is for you to ask yourself; why? Is it because you can come up with the best-tasting combination at Starbucks? (Which I might add is a White Chocolate Mocha with Hazelnut Syrup) Or, is it to make a ton of cash? To be the best Basketball player? To get into the history books as the man who gets us colonized on Mars? Are those really the things we're looking for? Accomplishments? Like in High School Annuals? How many pages can I get my name and picture on so I can be the "Coolest Kid" at the school? Is that the reason for your existance? I hope not.
I wish I could give an answer with any kind of confidence. All I can say is: Be complete in and of yourself. Do not look to external stimuli to complete you. Each accomplishment can be undone, done better, or will fade. Nothing we build will last forever. No relationship will be exactly the way you demand it to be, all the time. Relationships are give and take. If all you do is take, to complete your inner need...Then all the other person does is give, and deny their need. The only way is to complete the link within yourself before anything else. I'm not saying to ignore those accomplishments, as long as they are constructive. Just do not accept any substitutes.
Sunday, August 21, 2005
To Love?
A strange thing, Love. You can try to run from it, and it will find you. You can search for it, and never find it. You can have it, cherish it, and lose it. You can spurn it, scorn it, abuse it and have it forever.
Just idle thoughts that came over me in a flood today. To think of all the things that have been done in our history, in the name of love. I almost feel the need to break love down into different meanings, much like the Greek versions of "Love." But most of the world knows that the Greeks have different versions of the word, that translates to our Love. If you do not know this, look it up right now. It's very important for this day and age.
What more do we love today than ourselves? We've become a world of peoples who cherish and covet themselves over anything and everything. We've been spoiled on loving ourselves. Over-indulgent to the point of turning love into something wicked, sinister and profane. Has this always been the case with mankind? I believe not. Yes, it has reared it's ugly head in history countless times - much associated with powerful figures; but never in history have I seen such a fattening of the masses on a love for themselves.
Where is the love for the family? With a 50% divorce rate (Oh, but praise to the fact that in the last 20 years it's receded!) and domestic violence and abuse totals off the charts, that's just what's being reported. How many couples are deciding to not marry, given the strains of marriage. Far better to keep an "open" relationship and avoid the stresses that marriage presents. Or, if we do get married, lets change the vows so they're no longer "Till death do us part," but "Till we grow apart from one another." Heresy. Appalling to think that the love we have for ourselves has corrupted something as beautiful as the bond of marriage.
Where is the love for our country? People will do anything to put themselves in the limelight, to further the admiration they have for themselves into the mainstream media. If you have something bad to say about our country, anything at all, call a news station and you'll become the next superstar of the National Media. The louder you scream and whine, the more states you'll expose to your righteous wrath. Pathetic dribble. How can people forget so quickly words like, "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your Country." Isn't that what makes the United States such a beautiful place? That we are"United." That we, of many races, creeds, backgrounds, cultures, upbringings - can come together under one banner and stand in unison and say, "God Bless America!" Only; It's not like that any longer. Instead it's replaced with people camping outside our Presidents ranch, ranting and raving - what for? Attention and political outcry, nothing more. She wants to talk to the President about her son, does she? Why does no one talk abou the fact that she already has? An entire year ago in fact. That's not what the media is concerned about, please...Yell louder and stand a bit more to your right so the cameras can get a better shot of you.
It boils down to the fact that we're too concerned about ourselves. The time has really come for people to realize that your life is fleeting. Anything you say, do, achieve or are famous for now - will boil down to nothing when the next self-indulgent superstar comes into the light. Then what do you have? Nothing. You threw it all away in an attempt to immortalize yourself through pity and self-spite. You sold your soul for your family and everything you (should have) loved.
Just idle thoughts that came over me in a flood today. To think of all the things that have been done in our history, in the name of love. I almost feel the need to break love down into different meanings, much like the Greek versions of "Love." But most of the world knows that the Greeks have different versions of the word, that translates to our Love. If you do not know this, look it up right now. It's very important for this day and age.
What more do we love today than ourselves? We've become a world of peoples who cherish and covet themselves over anything and everything. We've been spoiled on loving ourselves. Over-indulgent to the point of turning love into something wicked, sinister and profane. Has this always been the case with mankind? I believe not. Yes, it has reared it's ugly head in history countless times - much associated with powerful figures; but never in history have I seen such a fattening of the masses on a love for themselves.
Where is the love for the family? With a 50% divorce rate (Oh, but praise to the fact that in the last 20 years it's receded!) and domestic violence and abuse totals off the charts, that's just what's being reported. How many couples are deciding to not marry, given the strains of marriage. Far better to keep an "open" relationship and avoid the stresses that marriage presents. Or, if we do get married, lets change the vows so they're no longer "Till death do us part," but "Till we grow apart from one another." Heresy. Appalling to think that the love we have for ourselves has corrupted something as beautiful as the bond of marriage.
Where is the love for our country? People will do anything to put themselves in the limelight, to further the admiration they have for themselves into the mainstream media. If you have something bad to say about our country, anything at all, call a news station and you'll become the next superstar of the National Media. The louder you scream and whine, the more states you'll expose to your righteous wrath. Pathetic dribble. How can people forget so quickly words like, "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your Country." Isn't that what makes the United States such a beautiful place? That we are"United." That we, of many races, creeds, backgrounds, cultures, upbringings - can come together under one banner and stand in unison and say, "God Bless America!" Only; It's not like that any longer. Instead it's replaced with people camping outside our Presidents ranch, ranting and raving - what for? Attention and political outcry, nothing more. She wants to talk to the President about her son, does she? Why does no one talk abou the fact that she already has? An entire year ago in fact. That's not what the media is concerned about, please...Yell louder and stand a bit more to your right so the cameras can get a better shot of you.
It boils down to the fact that we're too concerned about ourselves. The time has really come for people to realize that your life is fleeting. Anything you say, do, achieve or are famous for now - will boil down to nothing when the next self-indulgent superstar comes into the light. Then what do you have? Nothing. You threw it all away in an attempt to immortalize yourself through pity and self-spite. You sold your soul for your family and everything you (should have) loved.
( P ) Pronunciation Key (f
s
n. pl. phi·los·o·phies
( P ) Pronunciation Key (ärt)
Thanks for reading, post at will.
Diison Dawnrunner






n. pl. phi·los·o·phies
- Love and pursuit of wisdom by intellectual means and moral self-discipline.
- Investigation of the nature, causes, or principles of reality, knowledge, or values, based on logical reasoning rather than empirical methods.
- A system of thought based on or involving such inquiry: the philosophy of Hume.
- The critical analysis of fundamental assumptions or beliefs.
- The disciplines presented in university curriculums of science and the liberal arts, except medicine, law, and theology.
- The discipline comprising logic, ethics, aesthetics, metaphysics, and epistemology.
- A set of ideas or beliefs relating to a particular field or activity; an underlying theory: an original philosophy of advertising.
- A system of values by which one lives: has an unusual philosophy of life.

- Human effort to imitate, supplement, alter, or counteract the work of nature.
- The conscious production or arrangement of sounds, colors, forms, movements, or other elements in a manner that affects the sense of beauty, specifically the production of the beautiful in a graphic or plastic medium.
- The study of these activities.
- The product of these activities; human works of beauty considered as a group.
- High quality of conception or execution, as found in works of beauty; aesthetic value.
- A field or category of art, such as music, ballet, or literature.
- A nonscientific branch of learning; one of the liberal arts.
- A system of principles and methods employed in the performance of a set of activities: the art of building.
- A trade or craft that applies such a system of principles and methods: the art of the lexicographer.
- Skill that is attained by study, practice, or observation: the art of the baker; the blacksmith's art.
- Skill arising from the exercise of intuitive faculties: ÂSelf-criticism is an art not many are qualified to practice (Joyce Carol Oates).
- arts Artful devices, stratagems, and tricks.
- Artful contrivance; cunning.
- Printing. Illustrative material.
Thanks for reading, post at will.
Diison Dawnrunner
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