Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Time, time, time...

Though I know it's of no consequence, I have to defend my position on time. That being something that I have, of late become lacking.

Senior year of film school, new job, and hopefully a few open doors for a fledgeling filmmaker like myself. So those of you who pray, send one up for your friend in San Francisco - and those of you who don't, a kind thought my way would be appreciated.

Speaking of kind thoughts, or actions - what has happened to their existances in the world? I heard on the radio today that criminals in some of the most highest security prisons are striking because their food isn't good enough. To that I say, "You are a criminal, what makes you think you have a right to complain about the level of service you recieve in prison." Don't get me wrong, I'm not a hardliner, I am for only limited use of the death sentance, nor am I an animal who enjoys watching people suffer. However, I find it absolutely absurd that people would take up a call to arms, for the food served in prisons, and run with it. Such a righteous cause. I'm not that long away from High School, where I would on occasion suffer through a meal in the school cafetiria. I say suffer because what didn't look, feel, and taste like cardboard was probably leftovers from a glue factory. If we're going to worry about the level of service anyone recieves out of a government kitchen, it by God better be our school systems over some murderer/rapist serving a life sentance in prison.

I'm not even sure I blame the criminals for complaining. It's prison, there's not that much to entertain you. (although, I may stand corrected regarding that because most prisons now have some of the best entertainment equipment; best weightlifting/recreation equipment; movies, especially since the latest rallying cries from the can that got them delivered the Harry Potter DVD's, courtesy of Mr. and Mrs. American Taxpayer; Books, etc, etc...Oh, and don't forget your handy-dandy government payed for college education!) Who I really blame are the people who take it upon themselves to make such a stink over things like this that it actually gets into the news, and somehow onto the desk of lawmakers.

Just something to think about as you go about your business....

1 comment:

bigwhitehat said...

Prison food should be cooked by other prisoners who have to spend 2 hours a day in the yard.

Problem solved.