Have you ever sat back and asked yourself? "That person over there throwing the temper tantrum agains the world...What is it they really want?" I do on occasion when I see someone really clawing against the walls. But there are times when I absolutely cannot come to any conclusion as to what it really is that person is trying to accomplish. It would seem that if were that adamant about something, people would know right away what you were after. In our world today, as we've discussed before - it almost seems like people just like to complain. It comes down to motives. It's not so much what they're ranting about, it's more about why.
Perfect example of this happened to me yesterday. As some of you may know, I'm a film major in the epicenter of whiners for the world. I was in a class which was supposed to be about studying directors works and learning how to be a better director myself. The teacher had us watch this film that was - well, it was a repulsive parade of homosexuality and transgender escapades that I found almost too vulgar to watch. If I hadn't had to write a paper on it, I would've stopped it after about 15 minutes. Keep in mind, I'm a fairly open minded person - People are people and they will do what they want to do. I am Christian and believe that it's not my place to judge. So that's that. But, I absolutely can and will have an opinion on people trying to force feed me their views.
So, the teacher immediatly launches into this hour long diatribe slandering white Christian (Straight) Men. To summarize, we're basically what's wrong with the world. It's largely due to the fact that we are inherintly evil and stereotype entire cultures as bad to make ourselves feel more powerful/just/etc...Well, I could go into the psychology of my woman teacher and some of the more vehement women in the class - but I'll leave their skeletons in their own closets. I sat and listened to it for a while, and finally I realized that there were only two Christians in the class. Myself and a friend of mine who happens to be of African American decent. Now, he spoke up right away and started bucking against what they were saying. All the while a big grin of his face while they sat quietly and listened. Any time I spoke up, I was immediaty overruled and told to let someone else (more common than not, a female in the class) talk against the point that I had only begun to pose.
I sat for over an hour listening to this, and finally managed to get two words in edgewise. I told my teacher she was a hypocrit for stereotyping WASPs and told her to reevaluate her opinion as a saint of the left. She asked me to not come back to the class after our midclass break, and then told everyone to take that break.
So - What's MY point you ask? Be careful if you complain that you are not just as guilty (if not more so) of the venom you are spewing. Our world has become one ruled by hypocracy and it's blackened the blood of the world. Stop making people pay the price for something that happened 50, 100, 500 years ago. Worry about injustice done to you, and your brothers and sisters and husbands and wives TODAY. There are enough in the world to keep us all busy, we don't need to keep worrying about the things in the past. The past sculpts the future with a delicate hand, but don't overwork a section that's already been carved or it can unravel the entire work of art.
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
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